PBT Elections 2019


Every odd year, PBT Officers come up for election as well as seven Board of Directors at the Annual Membership meeting on October 11, 2019 during the Convention.  All positions are elected by the full members to serve a two year term of office to give their best for PBT business activities. Full members must be present at the meeting to vote and dues must be current as of August 11, 2019.

Officer Positions Coming Up for Election:

  1. President Bo Jones
  2. Vice President Michael Byrd
  3. Secretary Judy Grandmaison-Warren
  4. Treasurer Melinda Webb
  5. Parliamentarian Eddie Dees

Board of Director Positions Coming Up for Election:

  1. Matt Clark
  2. Ken W. Good
  3. Ronnie Long
  4. John McClusky
  5. Glenn Meeker
  6. Ramona (Moni) Salinas
  7. Scott Walstad

If you wish to be considered for one of these positions, EMAIL AN “INTENT TO RUN” notice to President Bo Jones BY AUGUST 15, 2019. (bojones@pcpba.com)

All candidates who submit an “Intent to Run” notice by the deadline will have an opportunity to send a write up explaining who they are and why you should vote for them that will be emailed to all members of PBT.

Nominations for all positions can also be made from the floor at the October 11th meeting.

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