Your Vote Counts!


The Annual Convention is set for October 9-11, 2019 at the Menger Hotel in San Antonio.  A major part of the convention is the election of officers and board members.  To vote on this and other matters, the Bylaws state:

6.1.  WHO MAY VOTE: Full members may vote in all elections and on any other matters providing that:

6.11  They are physically present at the meeting or election; and,

6.12  Their current year dues are paid in full: except that,

6.121  In order to vote at the Annual Meeting, dues must be paid in full 60 days prior to elections at the Annual meeting.

Therefore, current year dues must be paid in full on or by August 11, 2019 in order to vote at the convention.

If you have not renewed your dues or you wish to join PBT to vote at the convention, please contact PBT Headquarters for the appropriate form.

We look forward to having a stellar attendance at this year’s Convention – registration information will be available shortly!

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